AirV's Blog

Just another blog


Un outil très intéressant qui permet l’accès à son ordinateur : Tonido.

NB : sous Safari, le blocage des pop-up inhibe la fenêtre de l’upload

From :

What is Tonido?

Tonido is a software and service that once installed on any computer (Windows, Linux or Mac), can make files and media in that computer available anywhere through a web browser or from mobile phones (iPhone, Android or Blackberry). It is a new way to share your files, media and other information with anyone around the world without having to upload to third-party sites first.

Simple User Experience – 3 Easy Steps

Tonido is easy to setup and does not require any network or router configuration to work.

  • 1) Download and Install Tonido software on your computer.
  • 2) Create a Tonido account. The account becomes part of the URL for your computer (
  • 3) Use the new URL to remotely access or share your music, photos, calendar, files, and more from any computer or mobile phone.
  • 4) To share a file or folder, just select a folder or file and select « Share ». Tonido creates a web address (e.g. for your folder. Just send the link to others and they’ll be able to see and download the file.



What can you do?